Catalog - PROPESS vaginal pessaries

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Propess is a pharmaceutical product used in the field of obstetrics, specifically for the induction of labor in pregnant women who are at or near term. It contains the active ingredient dinoprostone, which is a synthetic form of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Prostaglandins play a crucial role in the natural process of labor induction by softening and dilating the cervix, and enhancing uterine contractions. Propess is designed for vaginal administration, typically in the form of a slow-release vaginal insert. This method allows for a controlled release of dinoprostone, facilitating the cervical ripening process in a gradual manner. Propess is used under medical supervision, with the goal of initiating labor in a safe and effective way, especially in cases where labor does not start on its own and there is a medical need to induce labor for the health of the mother or baby.
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