Catalog - RIFADIN powder & solvent for solution for infusion vial 600mg

Ingredients RIFAMPICIN
Dosage Strength Dosages Price Price/Dose
600mg 1 129.00$ 129.00$


Rifadin, known generically as rifampin, is an antibiotic medication primarily used in the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis (TB). It works by killing or stopping the growth of bacteria that cause tuberculosis and other infections. Rifadin is often used in combination with other antibiotics to prevent the development of drug-resistant bacteria. It can also be used to treat certain other bacterial infections, as well as to eliminate bacteria from the nose and throat that may cause meningitis or other infections, especially in people who may be carriers of these bacteria. It's important to note that Rifadin is not effective against viral infections such as the common cold or flu. Like all antibiotics, it should be taken exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional to ensure its effectiveness and to help prevent antibiotic resistance.
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